AUTNES - Austrian National Election Study is engaged in the comprehensive social science analysis of Austrian national elections. AUTNES is part of the Vienna Center for Electoral Research (VieCER).
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Dec 6, 2024
Partheymüller, Julia; Aichholzer, Julian; Kritzinger, Sylvia; Wagner, Markus; Plescia, Carolina; Eberl, Jakob-Moritz; Meyer, Thomas; Boomgaarden, Hajo; Müller, Wolfgang C., 2024, "AUTNES Online Panel Study 2017-2024 (SUF edition)",, AUSSDA, V1, UNF:6:fPul6K0EtB3CEhJNCLaVqg== [fileUNF]
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES Online Panel Study 2017–2024 is a multi-wave panel survey that covers the Austrian National Parliamentary Elections held in October 2017, September 2019, and September 2024. This survey is part of the Austrian National Election Study (A...
Nov 5, 2024
Kritzinger, Sylvia; Johann, David; Aichholzer, Julian; Glinitzer, Konstantin; Glantschnigg, Christian; Oberluggauer, Patricia; Thomas, Kathrin; Wagner, Markus; Zeglovits, Eva, 2020, "AUTNES Rolling-Cross-Section Panel Study 2013 (SUF edition)",, AUSSDA, V2, UNF:6:lTgN4AJnVmx4dtfyyj2NVw== [fileUNF]
Full edition for scientific use. This dataset contains political preferences of Austrian citizens eligible to vote (age 16 and older) before (wave 1) and after (waves 2 and 3) the national parliamentary election on 29.9.2013. Telephone interviews (CATI) were conducted in the peri...
May 6, 2024
Kritzinger, Sylvia; Johann, David; Thomas, Kathrin; Glantschnigg, Christian; Aichholzer, Julian; Glinitzer, Konstantin; Gründl, Johann; Oberluggauer, Patricia; Wagner, Markus, 2020, "AUTNES Online Panel Study 2013 - 2015 (SUF edition)",, AUSSDA, V5, UNF:6:Q8kHIe/iUilW1mNU941wBw== [fileUNF]
Full edition for scientific use. This dataset contains political preferences of Austrian citizens eligible to vote (age 16 and older). It is based on the TV debates panel for the national parliamentary election on 29.9.2013. It adds two panel waves to the original four waves from...
Nov 28, 2023
Müller, Wolfgang C.; Eder, Nikolaus; Jenny, Marcelo, 2023, "AUTNES Candidate Survey 2013 (SUF edition)",, AUSSDA, V1, UNF:6:PyZfJbxbsB9SvV9y2LPuqA== [fileUNF]
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES Candidate Survey 2013 was conducted after the Austrian national parliamentary election of 29 September 2013. The dataset is based on a written census survey of the 3946 candidates for the National Council election. Candidates were asked...
Nov 28, 2023
Müller, Wolfgang C.; Eder, Nikolaus; Jenny, Marcelo, 2023, "AUTNES Candidate Survey 2008 (SUF edition)",, AUSSDA, V1, UNF:6:nCBysp+aZ2kECposrMAOJg== [fileUNF]
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES Candidate Survey 2008 was conducted after the Austrian national parliamentary election of 28 September 2008. The dataset is based on a written census survey of the 4081 candidates for the National Council election. Candidates were asked...
Aug 24, 2023
Müller, Wolfgang C.; Bodlos, Anita; Dolezal, Martin; Eder, Nikolaus; Ennser-Jedenastik, Laurenz; Gahn, Christina; Graf, Elisabeth; Haselmayer, Martin; Haudum, Teresa; Huber, Lena Maria; Kaltenegger, Matthias; Meyer, Thomas M.; Praprotnik, Katrin; Winkler, Anna Katharina; Wurzer, Katharina, 2020, "AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Manifestos: Cumulative File (SUF edition)",, AUSSDA, V2, UNF:6:p2ne5b60LkqZaaCz5FXl9Q== [fileUNF]
Full edition for scientific use. The AUTNES dataset on party manifestos covers the manifestos of the relevant parties that competed in the Austrian national elections 2002-2017. All natural sentences within the manifestos are part of the dataset. The units of analysis are standar...
Oct 6, 2022
Gründl, Johann; Oberluggauer, Patricia; Eberl, Jakob-Moritz; Glantschnigg, Christian; Kritzinger, Sylvia; Boomgaarden, Hajo G., 2022, "AUTNES Manual Content Analysis of the Media Coverage 2013: Actors and Issues Add-on (SUF edition)",, AUSSDA, V1, UNF:6:rADn4Yz4W0fvav/dwW1KMw== [fileUNF]
Full edition for scientific use. This study adds to the existing manual content analysis on the media coverage of the 2013 Austrian national election. It emphasizes political actors, issues, and their evaluation. 8998 contributions from 14 print and TV media (selected according t...
Oct 6, 2022
Eberl, Jakob-Moritz; Vonbun, Ramona; Haselmayer, Martin; Jacobi, Carina; Kleinen-von Königslöw, Katharina; Schönbach, Klaus; Boomgaarden, Hajo G., 2022, "AUTNES Manual Content Analysis of the Media Coverage 2013 (SUF edition)",, AUSSDA, V1, UNF:6:BZ5hT7XgIS3R3YiQ9Us8Kg== [fileUNF]
Full edition for scientific use. This is a dataset on the media coverage on the 2013 Austrian National Election. 9000 contributions from 14 print and TV media (selected according to various criteria in order to represent the Austrian media landscape as accurately as possible) wer...
Aug 23, 2022
Müller, Wolfgang C.; Bodlos, Anita; Dolezal, Martin; Eder, Nikolaus; Ennser-Jedenastik, Laurenz; Kaltenegger, Matthias; Meyer, Thomas M.; Praprotnik, Katrin; Winkler, Anna Katharina, 2022, "AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Websites 2013 (SUF edition)",, AUSSDA, V1, UNF:6:RgH5YqkZxsNadZUThetBzA== [fileUNF]
Full edition for scientific use. The dataset “AUTNES Content Analysis of Party Websites 2013” covers all party websites of parties gaining at least two percent of the votes in the 2013 national election. The party websites were saved each day during the six weeks prior to the gen...
Aug 17, 2022
Litvyak, Olga; Balluff, Paul; Müller, Wolfgang C.; Kritzinger, Sylvia; Boomgaarden, Hajo G., 2022, "AUTNES Manual Content Analysis of the Media Coverage 2019 (SUF edition)",, AUSSDA, V1, UNF:6:uEkcRQLAYjLigOZtzlFONQ== [fileUNF]
Full edition for scientific use. The dataset comprises data of AUTNES manual content analysis of media coverage of the Austrian National Election held on 29 September 2019. This study is part of the Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES).
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