The Austrian Socio-Economic Panel (ASEP) is a multi-topic, large-scale, annually conducted, ongoing longitudinal survey, which collects data on the household and individual level, representative for the Austrian population living in private households. As the ASEP aims to enable research for all social science disciplines, its topics are very broad. They range from family, work, income, housing, education, and health to attitudes, values, and behaviors regarding different aspects of personality, life, and society.

ASEP is divided into two phases. To develop and test the long-term survey design, a pilot study is currently carried out. 3000 households have been invited to this pilot study, which consists of two survey waves: an initial survey, called Pilot Wave 1 (2023), and a follow-up survey with the same households, called Pilot Wave 2 (2024). After this, the so-called main survey is planned to start in 2025 with a new gross sample of approx. 12000 households, which will then be invited to the survey annually.

For more information on the Austrian Socio-Economic Panel (ASEP), please visit

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